Dead to the World

From Thrashin' EP, Love Kills and Crux of the Mosh

Jesus died and I took him in
I'm His, I'm His, I'm dead to sin
I'm alive in God and dead to the world
I'm born again, I'm dead to the world

When I go out on the streets at night
I see tons of people who have lost their light
I'm alive in God and dead to the world
If you're alive to the world
Then you're dead in God

Jesus died, bleeding veins dry
But you party and live life, at least you try
God rose from the dead to prove to you
He loves you, so what will you do?

Hey, don't deny him, He created you
He is your maker, Man, what will you do?
Spit on the world and take in the Son
Come on now, you can be the one

Be a real Christian, don't be fake
If you're not serious, in hell you will bake
Give God your heart, Go all the way
Do it, do it, do it today!

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